Sunday, January 1, 2012

Will Google Chrome Extensions slow down my internet speed?

I don't care if it slows down my computer because I have a quad-core CPU and 4GB RAM. I want to know if my internet speed will be slowed down. Thanks in advance :D|||For running slow there are many causes:

Microsoft Registry Problems




Clean windows registry can speed up the computer.

Registry Cleaner can fix your pc errors.

Over time, you install new programs, uninstalled unimportant programs, update software's, install new devices,

download files from the web, etcetera, hence embarking all records in the registry system.

This is normal, but it is not wise to leave it untouched.

Once in a while, you have to check and remove files that are no longer in use to maintain the speed of your PC.

Clean registry make pc faster.|||yes if it is updating its data or using the internet.

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